About Us
What We Do
Moms Who Care is now at a total of 13 junior high and high schools in Central Illinois.
Moms Who Care is funded by donations, in-kind and monetary, no salaries are taken.
On average, 800 students per month are helped. Students “shop” for the things they need, like basic hygiene products, snacks, and school supplies.
Monetary donations are used to purchase specific items such as work clothing, tennis shoes, and essential items that are not in the room.
Moms Who Care is a locally funded organization that relies primarily on community donations.

Who We Help
Students who are on free or reduced lunch programs, emancipated, and homeless students.
Students that the school nurses or counselor thinks are in need of our program.
Who We Are
Leadership Board
Barb McDonald
Board Member
Rita Blanch
Kim Deets
Board Member
Jenny Ball
Jen Johnson
Barb McDonald - East Peoria Community High School, East Peoria, IL
Tina Teague - Edison Junior High School, Pekin, IL
Sara Lindhal - Broadmoor Junior High School, Pekin, IL
Kathy Bridgeforth - Beverly Manor Middle School, Washington, IL
Vanessa Hale - Central Junior High School, East Peoria IL
Gayle Carr - Limestone Community High School, Bartonville, IL
Marla Williams - All Lincoln Schools, Lincoln, IL
Dawn Allen - Wilson Intermediate School, Pekin, IL
Amber Pilkington - Parkview Middle School, Creve Coeur, IL